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Veteran Memorials

波斯湾战争纪念碑——1991届毕业生向在波斯湾战争中服役的人捐赠了一块户外石头. The memorial is located on the sidewalk between J.W. Jones Student Union and the Administration Building.World War Memorial Plaza - West of B.D. Owens Library, on the corner of College Park Avenue and Memorial Drive, 两根砖柱上刻着第一次世界大战中46名士兵的名字. 这些牌匾最初是由诺达威县美国革命之女于1919年展出的,并于2006年重新安置在现在的位置.“荣誉勋章”-瓦尔克中心-二战荣誉勋章现在显示在瓦尔克中心. The roll includes 1,094 names and 35 are designated with a gold star. Gold stars indicate the servicemen died while serving.Navy V-5/V-12 Combat Information Center, 熊猫体育场109室——从1943年到1945年,数百人在海军V-5和V-12项目下来到校园. A "Mark of Commendation" plaque is displayed on the Administration Building's third floor and Navy Combat Information Center classroom is in Bearcat Stadium,  Room 109. 这间教室的建造是校友们的捐赠,包括内德和玛吉(坎贝尔)毕晓普夫妇.Navy V-5/V-12 Combat Information Center, 熊猫体育场109室——从1943年到1945年,数百人在海军V-5和V-12项目下来到校园. A "Mark of Commendation" plaque is displayed on the Administration Building's third floor and Navy Combat Information Center classroom is in Bearcat Stadium, #109.Navy V-5/V-12 Combat Information Center, Bearcat Stadium Room 109 - A sailor displays his Navy V-12 haircut. 参加V-12计划的人正在接受成为甲板军官的培训,并学习物理课程, chemistry, mathematics, pre-engineering, history, government, English and speech. A "Mark of Commendation" plaque is displayed on the Administration Building's third floor and Navy Combat Information Center classroom is in Bearcat Stadium, #109."Roll of Honor" Valk - Northwest's sixth president, J.W. Jones, stands outside his office in the Administration Building. The World War II Roll of Honor is displayed on the right. The Roll of Honor is now displayed in Valk Center.

Since its foundation in 1905, 成千上万的男女军人把和记棋牌娱乐称为“家”," if only temporarily. Some enlisted after coming to Maryville as a student or employee, 而其他人则在为国家服务后入学或为大学工作. Starting in 1918, students, alumni, employees, 社区成员捐赠了几座纪念美国男女军人的纪念碑.

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World War Memorial Plaza

1919年,诺达威县“美国革命之女”分会种树,筹钱建造砖柱和牌匾,以纪念在一战中牺牲的46名士兵. 在20世纪70年代,这些柱子在街道改造工程中被拆除. They were later reinstalled and formally dedicated on November 10, 2006. The Memorial Plaza lies just west of B.D. Owens Library, on the corner of College Park Avenue and Memorial Drive.

Bell of '48

1948届毕业生向和记棋牌娱乐赠送了一座铜钟,以纪念所有在第二次世界大战中战斗和牺牲的士兵, 特别是那些曾经在和记棋牌娱乐或曾经住在密苏里州西北部的阵亡士兵. 从那以后,铜钟预示着西北的成就和庆祝活动,并哀鸣着纪念逝去的学生. 48年的钟位于纪念钟楼附近,在行政大楼的视线范围内. 

"Roll of Honor" Valk Center

沃克中心有一个大型展览,展示了许多纪念第一次世界大战男女军人的纪念牌, World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. 第一次世界大战期间,一面军旗在行政大楼外悬挂. Starting in July 1917, the student newspaper, The Green and White Courier, 鼓励读者提交任何参与战争努力的学生的名字,并每周公布“荣誉名单”." A star was added to the flag for each submitted name. After the war, 行政大楼内亦悬挂铜质纪念牌,纪念在第一次世界大战中牺牲的五名学生.

The tradition of a Roll of Honor continued during World War II. 学生和工作人员利用行政大楼的公告板创建了一个临时纪念馆,并鼓励任何人提交补充内容. 在20世纪50年代,随着退伍军人战后来到西北地区,这些名字被添加进来. The current World War II Roll of Honor displays 1,094 names. The roll includes 35 names with gold stars. The gold star indicates the serviceman died in service.

韩国战争和越南战争的老兵们也获得了学生团体颁发的奖牌. 后来的战争影响了西北地区的入学人数,因为更多的退伍军人根据1944年的《和记棋牌娱乐》寻求进一步的教育, better known as the G.I. Bill. From 1945 to 1955, Northwest enrollment numbers tripled. By 1970, Northwest enrollment grew to 5,000 students.

Navy V-5/V-12 Combat Information Center, Bearcat Stadium Room 109

From 1943 to 1945, Northwest served as a Naval Shore Station for the U.S. Navy. V-12项目训练甲板军官,V-5项目训练海军飞行员, 这些项目由海军军官管理,由西北学院教授. The program changed the look of Northwest for two years. Residence halls converted to house navy personnel, 海军军官在图书馆(现在的威尔斯大厅)设立了临时办公室。, and Navy recruits joined the Northwest football team. In October 2003, 作战信息中心教室的建成得益于和记娱乐ios的捐赠, including Ned and Margie (Campbell) Bishop. 这间教室是为了纪念那些在西北海军为战斗任务做准备的人.

Memorial Bell Tower

Centrally located on the Northwest campus, 露天钟楼是1971年为纪念学生而建成的标志性建筑, faculty and others who had served the country, including the military. Constructed using pre-cast concrete, the Bell Tower stands 100 feet tall and measures 25 feet in diameter. 它还设有黄铜纪念牌和一个在早上演奏的电子钟琴, noon and night. 大学校长罗伯特·福斯特在1965年宣布了他建造钟楼的计划,并在大学校友和朋友的捐赠下完全完工. In 2004, 钟楼进行了大规模的翻新,包括结构维修和改善残疾人无障碍设施.

Persian Gulf War Memorial

由1991届毕业生捐赠的户外纪念石位于J.W. Jones Student Union and the Administration Building. In 1990-1991, 两名参加后备军官训练队项目的西北学生被征召入伍,其他人的家人也被征召入伍. 学生组织和社区成员举行了一系列活动,支持参与沙漠风暴行动的部队, including a yellow ribbon ceremony at the Bell Tower. KDLX, the student radio station, was selected to send weekly, 向沙特阿拉伯武装部队广播网播放五分钟关于当地事件的广播.

有关和记棋牌娱乐退伍军人纪念馆的问题或查询, please contact the University Archives: 660.562.1974,